YOU'RE INVITED to join in and add your voice to the conversation! It's an Open House Chat for and with NABFEME “Members Only” ... Saturday, Feb 3rd at 11am/Eastern (please adjust per your time zone).
A connected team is a powerful team and we are stronger, more effective, and more efficient when we work together and every voice is heard. We know you’ve got brilliant ideas and insightful viewpoints, so let’s hear ‘em... Your Voice Matters! Staying in the shadows never helps, and we can only address the issues we know about. Don't worry about saying the wrong thing. Instead, think about what could happen if you don't say anything! Your Voice Matters! See ya on Feb 3rd! If you need to update or renew your membership... do it here on this site!
Watch your email... You will receive the Private Invitation Link to join the meeting. We'll see you on February 3rd!