NABFEME Heads to St. Louis, MO!

April 25, 2012 1:44 PM | Johnnie Walker (Administrator)

In preparation for our SMART Women St. Louis Meet Up, the ladies in The Lou wanted answers to a couple of questions prior to my arrival. They sent questions, I answered.  I want to share the Q&A with you!

Q. What can you tell women about working and attaining leadership roles  in today's job market?  

A.  It all boils down to how you think.  The way you think determines the choices you make and the choices you make determine how you act and the way you act often determines your outcome.  The old saying, your attitude determines your altitude can certainly be applied women regarding working and attaining leadership roles in today's job market. 

Q. What advice do you give young women today about being women in the music and entertainment business?  

A.  Four things.  1) Be innovative, you gotta think out of the box!  2)Be optimistic... sometimes blindly optimistic, believe in yourself and stay positive attitude!  3) Be tenacious... determined, never give up and 4) be opportunistic... you gotta strike while the iron is hot!

Q. What are your thoughts about the industry when you see reality shows like Love & Hip-Hop?  

A.  First of all these are TV shows and TV shows are created to entertain audiences.  For viewers that find these type of shows entertaining its a winner for the network and the producer. Shows like Love & Hip Hop  do no create defining moments for me regarding the industry, therefore I don't have any real thoughts about them.  On the other hand, I realize people love seeing and connecting with lifestyles that aren't necessarily theirs, so again, entertainment that wins.  I applaud the opportunities that these shows have given to Black women behind and in front of the camera.