Women Who Jam Radio -- our one-hour all female radio show is rapidly growing! We need you to share the show with your friends and colleagues; help us to promote Women Who Jam Radio! The stronger the show becomes, the stronger our impact. We encourage you to give the show a listen and post info about it on your FaceBook and Twitter pages. The artists we play are "old-school" established divas, today's popular divas, and our new and emerging divas! The show airs every Friday at 2PM Central at www.LMBnetwork.com and www.DFWiRadio.com. WRUGMedia.com airs the show on Fridays at 3PM. Saturdays we air on MAXX 105.7 FM in Champaign, IL at 7:00 p.m. We just picked up the Jay King Network for coverage in LA and the Midwest! Hooray!!