Women Who Jam! New York

  • March 29, 2014
  • 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Farafina Cafe & Lounge, 1813 Amsterdam Avenue, Harlem, NY
Women Who Jam New York!

When it's good - it's good!  That's why we're back in Harlem for another exciting showcase at Farafina Cafe & Lounge, 1813 Amsterdam Ave. Our MC/Host is WBLS' 
Lamonda Williams! The line-up is hot .. includes the comedy of DEL HARRISON, from Queens, we've got TONI ANN SEMPLE and to keep the stage sizzling — Philadelphia's PHOENIX and MS JUANITA stop by to round out the show!  

If you'd like to be a part of our line-up, just visit us online at www.womenwhojam.com, click Showcases and sign up! 

Reservations strongly suggested, Doors open at 6:00 PM Showtime: 7:00 PM.