Bay Area Membership Meet-Up

  • August 26, 2014
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Tamarindo Antojeria 468 8th Street Oakland, CA

Have you been wondering "what's up" with NABFEME San Francisco?? When do we meet??? Who are the leaders?? What is our leadership plan?? We've got these answers and more at a special NABFEME Membership Meet-Up held at Tamarondo Antojeria in Oakland, CA.   

Its a NABFEME SF Bay Area Network Happy Hour event designed just for you to connect with us! Join our Bay Area officers Tuesday, Aug 26 and get answers! Get involved! Add your voice to the conversation about women's empowerment and career development.  In a casual, girl-friendly setting you'll learn more about the organization and the benefits of becoming a NABFEME member!  We hope to see you there.

Visit our Membership site today!